Welcome Sara and Shelley. Good to have you both in our community.
Sara – your journey with FOSIL is starting much where ours began, with support for our IB Extended Essay students (IB Year 12-13 students all produce a 4000 research paper on a topic of their choice as part of their Diploma qualification). It was in providing this support that Darryl recognised the need for a framework of skills built up over the students’ time at school and came across the Empire State Information Fluency Continuum. I hope to upload the rest of our EE support resources to the resources section over the next week but this Investigative Journal is a start.
Shelley – you might find some of the Full Workbooks interesting as these are aimed at the younger years (and many of the Year 6 ones would be equally applicable in Year 7). There’s a lot of scope to be creative in the younger years, when public exams aren’t looming so large!
We look forward to hearing about your journeys so far as you join the conversations in our other forums.