Hi Kevin, Great to have you on board! I really feel that if we can work together and support each other our small victories will eventually become big ones. I too, still do adhoc lessons but am working towards making FOSIL more visible with the hope that someone senior will eventually ‘get’ what we are trying to do. Advocacy has an important part to play in this and the more we talk about it the more changes are likely to happen.
Having this website to push teachers to is a great way to help explain what we are about. It makes the talking easier I feel.
I too came to librarianship late. I left school at 16 and only qualified when I was 35, going on to achieve my Masters and then CILIP Chatershp and Fellowship. We all develop at different times and I think this is important to understand in our students too. They may not be ready to learn yet but if we give them a good foundation they will have to the tools to be ready when it is time for them.