Elizabeth Hutchinson delivered FOSIL (Framework Of Skills for Inquiry Learning): An approach to learning through Inquiry on Tuesday 17 and Friday 21 August 2020 at Caravan of Knowledge – STEM through PBL.
This special event took place in Kazakhstan to support innovative practices in teaching and learning. Through this event, teachers from all over Kazakhstan explored and planned ways to implement powerful practices that bring alive STEM and Project Based Learning experiences so that students build agency skills and take the lead in their learning.
This presentation is being translated into Russian.
Inquiry-based learning supports independence and critical thinking, but without a process to ensure our students have learnt the practical skills in a structured way it is like asking them to run before they can walk. FOSIL is a well researched and used model of the inquiry process that provides a practical and usable inquiry-based learning model for all year groups and subjects. In this session, we will unpack FOSIL as an approach to learning, demonstrating how the different stages work whilst giving you access to resources and practical ideas to get you started.