Thank you for the book recommendation, Merrilibrarian, it looks really interesting and very practical. Definitely going to get hold of a copy as soon as possible! Another book I would recommend for developing inquiry questions is Essential Questions by Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins (2013, ASCD, ISBN 978-1-4166-1505-7) (Wiggins and McTighe). This is much more aimed at inquiry design, rather than giving practical resources to take and use immediately with students. Having said that, it gives lots of practical examples in subject areas right across the curriculum (critically for me in two areas that I find more challenging to develop authentic, rich inquiry questions that directly advance the taught curriculum in – Maths and World Languages (MFL)) and across all school levels. It is more a resource for helping staff to develop questions to guide inquiries rather than for helping students to develop their own questions, but has certainly informed my understanding about what makes a good question – and how to turn a bad question into a good one.