Thanks Elizabeth – you’ve got my weekend reading sorted! I’m looking forward to having a look through these resources and listening to your podcasts. I would also direct people to John Royce‘s exceptionally well-researched and thoughtful blog posts on his Honesty, Honestly blog:
- Here we are again!, looking at whether it is possible to use “AI detectors” and how to “use [ChatGPT] as a spring board” and treat it “as a tool, not as an enemy…”
- Back to basics, again, reflecting on the proliferation or articles about ChatGPT and looking at it as a prompt to encourage critical thinking (as Google was before it) – this one contains the alarming quote “You may remember former Google CEO Eric Schmidt declaring, ‘I actually think most people don’t want Google to answer their questions… They want Google to tell them what they should be doing next’ (as quoted in The Atlantic article Google’s Growing Problem With ‘Creepy’ PR in October 2010).”
- To be verified…, reacting to the (possible) news in The Times that the IB would be allowing to use AI sources in their essays as long as they credited them.
I have a huge amount of respect for John Royce (as I do for you) as a very experienced and thoughtful IB Librarian trainer, and he researches his articles incredibly thoroughly. I actually use his article The integrity of integrity as one of my sources when I teach citing and referencing to Year 12 and 13 students in the hope that they will also engage with the content!