To develop the idea of learning through writing further, Gordon Wells (2001)* continues:
The processes of thinking, such as categorizing, hypothesizing, reasoning, and evaluating, are not only realized in language, in the sense of being made manifest in speech and writing, but also actually constructed and improved through its mediating means. … The mediating role of dialogue in knowledge-building is probably most evident in face-to-face discussion. … Knowledge-building also takes place in the written mode … the writer engages in dual dialogue: with the audience to whom the text is addressed and with himself through dialogue with the emerging text. By the same token, reading another’s text also needs to be undertaken dialgogically. … Equally important, it is through the same sort of collaborative knowledge-building that each of us develops understanding of what other people have already come to know, as this is represented in texts and other knowledge objects. (pp. 184, 186-187)
Following on from the essay flowchart and essay plan graphic organiser above, I developed the essay draft graphic organiser and essay exemplar below (click on images to enlarge):
*Wells, G. (2001). The Case for Dialogic Inquiry. In G. Wells (Ed.), Action, Talk & Text: Learning and Teaching Through Inquiry (pp. 171-194). New York, NY: Teachers College Press.