As part of our January INSET I offered a carousel session on Lessons for Coursework from the Projects Qualifications. I have been meaning for some time now to produce a FOSIL-based guide to help teachers plan coursework delivery, and as the Projects Qualifications (EPQ and HPQ) are 100% coursework it means that I am fully focussed on teaching and planning for coursework, where a subject teacher has to divide their time between curriculum learning, coursework and exam preparation.
As a carousel session, this was naturally small and discursive not a ‘presented’ INSET session, so I produced a booklet of ideas (designed to be shared afterwards with staff who did not attend – attached below) and we talked around that. It was fascinating to share ideas with departments such as Geography, History and Music, who all have slightly different requirements and pressures. Out of this session (and sharing the booklet) I already have a meeting arranged with the Head of DT next week about how we can support her in planning and delivering her coursework*, have had a conversation with the Head of Food Tech about supporting her students and have been asked for a session on footnote referencing for the A-level History students!
I have shared the booklet below. As with all our resources, please feel free to use and adapt under creative commons. I would love to hear any comments or suggestions.
[*For me this is a redemptive opportunity – I started this conversation with the Head of DT at our previous school, but for many reasons all sorts of other things got in the way, things moved on and I never managed to produce the promised resources. This is my chance to do better! I share this as a reminder that life is messy and although we often share our successes, it is sometimes good to be reminded that everyone’s journey has its ups and downs…]
EDIT: Apologies – file is too big to upload at the moment. I’ll reduce image sizes and upload it later…
EDIT: 12th Jan – PDF now available. I will add an editable version to Resources soon