Further discussion as the teaching of this unit approached (06 February), revealed that the above articles may not have been along quite the right lines, as they were focussed on the reporting of what might happen as a result of climate change rather than how humans are having an effect on the climate, but the sources had provided articles of an appropriate level of complexity, and could therefore be explored again.
A face to face meeting with the Head of Chemistry (11 February) led to the plan to provide a limited range of articles (must read, should read, could read) for pupils to work through – both those which were reliable sources of information and those which were perhaps more questionable. An example site was chosen on which to demonstrate the CRAAP test to make sure pupils were aware of factors to consider and of the importance of peer review. It was also necessary to ensure pupils were provided with material in which a range of audiences was targeted.
All material was sent (26 February) for consideration at a Chemistry department meeting ahead of delivery – we waited to see what the reaction was…