Hi all,
What a great community and an opportunity to take part in such collaborative work focused in the same direction as my professional interest. I’m Ruth and I’m the Librarian at Tonbridge Grammar School, Kent. We are an IB school working with the MYP, breaking for GCSEs and returning for to the DP. I have been here 2 years and since I joined I have been collaborating with staff to integrate Information Literacy into the curriculum. I don’t teach any ‘Library lessons’ aside from a general introduction to the catalgoue etc for years 7 and 12 (we take external students into the 6th form)
I am enjoying the challenge of integrating FOSIL with the ATL skills framework (IB attitudes to learning) and then matching this with our curriculum and trying to encourage staff to embrace the results into their planning and assessments.
I am grateful to have this group to share thought and ideas with.