As we begin the process of the Individual Project once again with a new cohort, we are also beginning another school closure so the launch will have to take place remotely. This clearly adds another level of complexity as not only do we have to ensure that the Year 9 pupils know what they are doing, why they are doing it, and how they should go about doing it, but we also have a new set of Year 9 tutors to introduce to the project – and in some cases, to FOSIL itself. At least last year we had reached EXPRESS with everyone having written an initial draft before the first lockdown began. All that was needed remotely therefore was reviewing, polishing and reflecting. Easy really in retrospect!
I was really excited by the resources produced last year, as I felt they helped pupils through the inquiry process in the clearest way yet, so it was a great shame not to have been able to complete the whole process with the pupils in school. These resources definitely made the prospect of finishing the project online far less daunting though and led to some truly exceptional projects being submitted despite the truly exceptional circumstances. Thankfully for the project and everyone involved in its development, the outcome was so successful that it was quickly decided that this year’s project would run to the timetable that we planned in December despite the current situation, and that it would add value to the distance learning experience of our Year 9s rather than being an unnecessary burden.
I will post more as we progress but with tutor training planned for next week and a launch to pupils the week after, I must get my skates on.