I think this is a really interesting take on why the school librarian needs to adapt. Jenny, you are right we are no longer gatekeepers and if we stay where we are we will eventually find that there is no need for school librarians. I agree that if we are talking about our teaching journey within inquiry, the relationship we have with students should not matter and shows that I too still have some way to go to understand the paradigm shift for myself.
This discussion is really making me think about the paradigm shift a school librarian has to make to transition into inquiry. How do school librarians learn how to do this? If we are expecting school librarians to move from the comfort of information literacy skills to inquiry what do they need to know and understand about their role that can make this transition easier? I think it is maybe easier for those librarians with a teaching qualification but many of our UK school librarians don’t have this. I feel that a school librarian without a teaching qualification will need so much more support in this transition. In order to explain this new role within their own schools, they really need to understand this role themselves and how can we help?
Having said all this, Imposter Syndrome is certainly something in all of us and these discussions around FOSIL and inquiry certainly help to clarify the way to move forward. Together we can support each other through the ideas and resources we share.