Thanks Julie. I look forward to seeing in print some of the ideas we discussed for how to move this inquiry forward. I think one of the things that became very clear for me, was that however meticulously you plan an inquiry for the number of weeks and lessons you have available, not only do some stages take longer than you had anticipated, but also any disruptions to the run of lessons can have huge implications. In this case, one of the planned prep sessions was lost when pupils were to have been analysing a script, translating bits and looking for useful language they could use in their own presentations. As a result of not doing this – which would have been a great inquiry learning exercise in itself – pupils tended to become over-reliant on dictionaries when writing their own presentations and as a result tried to use language they did not really understand and words they did not know how to pronounce. The express stage of this inquiry ended up being quite rushed for this reason which, I think, may have contributed to some of the pupils’ concerns above. Pupils’ willingness and ability to reflect has really helped us as we plan where we go next, and will hopefully prove extremely useful going forward in all areas of their schooling.