Sorry – this was more complex to set up properly than I’d anticipated, mainly because it is an expanded opportunity to think though this instructionally from the perspective of Year 9 and from the perspective of the systematic and progressive development of Signature Work inquiry skills development across primary and secondary – see below for priority skills in transition years (or download as high resolution PNG), and also the Forum topics, Year 6 (Grade 5) Interdisciplinary Signature Work Inquiry @ Blanchelande College and FOSIL and the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) from this post onward.*
I also include below (or download as a high resolution PNG) an overview of the digital inquiry skills course component of the Signature Work Inquiry.

*As an aside, some of the inquiry skills that Jenny needed to teach from scratch in the 6-week Year 12 (Grade 11) inquiry skills course I am now teaching from scratch in the Year 9 digital inquiry skills course, and some of those we will teach from scratch in the Year 6 Signature Work Inquiry – it will take a couple of years for this to bear fruit, but what fruit it will be.