Hi Darryl,
To have it in one post is incredibly helpful. I will be over the next week and a half going through the above presentations and resources to create a clearer plan. Elizabeth will also be helping me plan for KS3 Literacy, which I’m hoping with some clear guidance, I can incorporate throughout the year.
I’m set on completing a Year 9 project, and the set-up is very similar to this post: https://fosil.org.uk/forums/topic/year-9-fosil-inquiry-skills-project/ . Currently, I have so far led on an individual inquiry project with Year 9, with the topic being “Context” in relation to the GCSE texts English will be teaching in Year 10. They have been asked to look into the context of either Romeo and Juliet or The Empress by Tanika Gupta. I had maybe a week to plan this so I know I could have done better – and even teamed up with the History department. With the information above, I think I can plan better for the next academic year.
I suppose I’m slightly more confused by whether I should use the literacy lessons as a means to start developing the inquiry mindset in Year 7 and 8 or if I should see my role as learning and research co-ordinator as separate to KS3 literacy and develop the inquiry mindset as a cross-curricular project. In terms of having a framework and criteria, I will use the above Year 7 – 9 portrait of an engaged learner and priority skills and present this to SLT to begin introducing staff to Inquiry from the new academic year. What I do need to iron out is where I will place all the action!
I will be going through all the above links (again, thank you so much) and hopefully I can gain a clearer picture before I start my work with Elizabeth!