P.S. I did ask Dorling Kindersley whether we could share the version of the English booklet (Central Inquiry Journal) with the single double page spread from their book Dorling Kindersley (2018) How Science Works. p.118-9 and unfortunately they said no because it would be freely available to anyone, rather than behind a paywall. Even though is is just two pages of a seven year old book.
Anna Claybourne (author of Claybourne, A. (2013) My First Book of Science. P.44-5) said she would happily give permission to use her work if she held the copyright, but she thought we would need the publisher’s permission too. Unfortunately the original publisher no longer exists and I can’t work out who they might have sold the rights to…
So the upshot is that I have had to remove the comprehension texts from the forum uploads and just leave the questions. If you want to reconstruct a similar journal you would need to use texts that your school owns, which can then be copied under fair use copyright.