On 9 March 2020 the Great School Libraries (GSL) campaign announced that it had endorsed the IFLA/UNESCO School Library Manifesto (1999) and the IFLA School Library Guidelines (2015), as well as FOSIL as its suggested model of the inquiry process.
The timing of this development could not be more auspicious as, following extensive international consultation, the IFLA/UNESCO/OECD School Library Manifesto (2020) is due to be released for public review at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress 2020 in Dublin (15-21 August).
As the Guidelines is rooted in the Manifesto and the Manifesto nourishes the Guidelines, the imminent publication of an updated Manifesto that looks boldly towards the future could not be more timely, given urgent changes to the profession from within and stark challenges to the profession from without.
While the Manifesto is currently only available for review to the School Libraries Section Standing Committee, and so subject to change, the spirit that animates the Manifesto emphatically is not, which is that “the school library program is essential to every long-term education strategy, including literacies, information provision and creation, and economic, social, and cultural development”.