Following a request for help from the Year 6 teacher with her MYP planning (even though Year 6 are not strictly MYP), and a discussion about her plans for the Spring Term, we decided that the pupils undertaking an inquiry that clearly took them through the stages of the FOSIL Cycle would be the best way to ensure that they all knew what the Cycle involved. This would then, hopefully, allow them to make the link between the inquiry work they had already done on Alfred the Great [resources here] and the more general inquiry into 20th Century History [resources here] to come.
On 19 Dec 2018 I sent sent the following email to my colleague in History: “After our previous conversation, I have been working on an idea for a Cold War inquiry for next term. I think this could be done in 1 lesson a week over the term, and would mean you did not need to teach them about the Cold War specifically, what you covered could just link it with it as they go through it. The beginning is clearer in my mind than the end but I thought it best to send you what I have done so far as it may not be useful to you at all.”
Having sent this email, little did I know what lay ahead, but suffice to say, on 15 Jan 2019 I began leading an inquiry into “What were the global effects of the Cold War?” Many of the FOSIL resources used have been adapted from those used previously with this year group as they had seen some of them before, and they have carefully been constructed with the age and experience of the pupils taken into consideration from the outset. However, a glossary of Cold War terms, image below, was produced for pupils to complete as they carried out their INVESTIGATE stage – in order to write like historians they need to be able to understand and use the language of historians. [Cold War resources here]