Thank you Elizabeth.
This is thanks to you I discovered FOSIL during a training with the SLA back in May 2020.
A while later, with our Head of French Literature, we both held a workshop during a school INSET day in April:
“Knowledge starts with inquiry – how can we all become better inquirers?” to introduce the FOSIL model and help advance inquiry.
I am sharing the powerpoint presentation with this post. What was most interesting to realise is that it can be helpful to all subjects and across all levels. We were lucky to have a team of 20 participants from various Departments teaching from Primary School pupils to IB students.
We started with an introduction of the model and its stages, and worked on two activities, one on the stages of FOSIL by small groups of different disciplines and levels, the second one focusing on building a scheme of work for one unit, by department this time (Art, English literature, French literature, Geography in French, History in English, Math, Modern languages, Primaire). We notably found that the group of Primary teachers had many ideas and came up with a very detailed scheme in Theatre.
A question that came up was that in Math, the stages of construct and express were very similar and sort of joint. Elizabeth suggested this link for further reading
Very interesting and fulfilling experience.