On behalf of Barbara Schultz-Jones and Dianne Oberg.
Hello to members of the school library community!
Last September Dr. Barbara Schultz-Jones (University of North Texas, USA) and Dr. Dianne Oberg (University of Alberta, Canada) proposed a new book to the IFLA School Library Standing Committee. Both IASL President Katy Manck and IFLA School Libraries Chair Joanne Plante gave their support to the proposal. In February, the project was approved.
The book, tentatively titled Global Action on School Libraries: Models of Inquiry, will be published in June 2022 by De Gruyter Saur. The Joint Committee of IASL and IFLA School Libraries will serve as the advisory and review committee for the project.
This is the third book that focuses on the implementation of some aspect of the 2nd edition (2015) of IFLA’s School Library Guidelines. The focus of the new book will be the instructional role of the school librarian, specifically the ways in which members of our school library community worldwide have developed, revised, promoted, and implemented models of inquiry. Authors have been confirmed for chapters about the theoretical research foundations of inquiry-based teaching and learning and on the development of research-based instructional models of inquiry.
Part 1: Foundations
- Research Foundations – Barbara A. Schultz-Jones (USA)
- Research Centre Contributions (LinCS) — Louise Limberg (Sweden)
- Research Centre Contributions (CISSL) — Ross Todd (USA)
- Importance of Instructional Models – Jean Donham (USA)
- Building on a Model; Importance of Continued Development – Darryl Toerien (UK) & Barbara Stripling (USA)
Part 2: Models
- Guided Inquiry Design (USA) – Buffy Edwards
- Stripling Model of Inquiry (USA) – Barbara Stripling
- FOSIL (UK) – Darryl Toerien
- Focus on Inquiry (Canada) – Jennifer Branch
- Informed Learning (Australia) – Clarence Maybee and Anne Whisken
The Call for Chapter Proposals (see below) invites submissions related to models of inquiry in practice: e.g., implementing models of inquiry and integrating inquiry models into the curriculum. Chapter proposals from school library practitioners as well as from school library researchers and educators are welcome.
Here is the timetable for the project:
- 01 June 2021 | Submission of proposals for chapters
- 01 July 2021 | Notification of acceptance of proposals
- 01 October 2021 | Submission of full chapters
- 01 November 2021 | Feedback to authors and requests for revisions, if any
- 01 December 2021 | Submission of the revised final copy of chapters
- 15 January 2022 | Submission of final copy of the entire book to the publisher
Please submit proposals to the editors at [email protected]
We look forward to hearing from you!
Barbara and Dianne
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