That is excellent news, Elizabeth.
It would be helpful to know which specification they are doing.
For reference and convenience, I include the link to the Forum Topic FOSIL and the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).
Chris and Jenny met recently to discuss developing support for the EPQ at Oakham School, specifically through a LibGuide. Although this will be focussed on the EPQ, it will, obviously, draw on much that is already in the Extended Essay LibGuide, both structure and content. You and your colleagues at Blanchelande College may find this useful as a place to start, if you have not already done so, because it makes both the process (tabs across the top) and the support for the process (content in each tab) explicit.

While LibGuides is ideally suited to something like this, it is not the only way to do so.
Chris and/ or Jenny will be updating on recent EPQ-related developments to the Forum in due course.