LILAC: The Information Literacy Conference
Elizabeth Hutchinson, Head of Guernsey Schools' Library Service, will be presenting School librarian and teacher collaboration: Finding the hook to engage on Wednesday 24 April.
Elizabeth Hutchinson, Head of Guernsey Schools' Library Service, will be presenting School librarian and teacher collaboration: Finding the hook to engage on Wednesday 24 April.
Darryl Toerien, Head of Library at Oakham School, and David Harrow, Deputy Head (Academic) at Oakham School, will be presenting Information literacy: Necessary but not sufficient for 21st century learning on Thursday 25 April. The presentation may be downloaded from
Darryl Toerien will be presenting an overiew of FOSIL on Tuesday 25 June. "The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), the Higher Project (HPQ) and the Foundation Project (FPQ) provide excellent contexts for teaching students across the full age range to learn
Darryl Toerien will be presenting An overview of support for the Extended Project on Tuesday 9 July (10:30-12:30).
Darryl Toerien, Head of Library at Oakham School, and Chris Foster, Head of Student Research at Oakham School, will be presenting Future-proofing students through inquiry on Saturday 20 July.
Darryl will attending IFLA WLIC 2019 as a member of the Standing Committee of the School Libraries Section. This will be an important opportunity to enlarge our perspective and build vital relationships.
Darryl will be presenting on FOSIL to all staff from Castel Primary School and Forest Primary School on 8 October, and will be running workshops with Elizabeth Hutchinson for SLS staff, as well as primary and secondary teachers on 9
Darryl will be presenting on FOSIL to members of Senior Leadership from Copthill School and Highfields School.
Darryl will be presenting on The FOSIL Group - Think globally, act locally - as part of Librarians Reaching Out Across the World.
Darryl will be delivering a keynote: Between the classroom and the library ... Ivan Illich argued that the principal lesson School teaches is the need to be ‘taught’. While ‘this’ lesson may not be intentional, it is almost inevitable in
Darryl will be presenting on FOSIL at the SLARI Inspiration Literacy: Inquiry Based Learning and Philosophy in the Library Conference. Seymour Papert – central to revolutions in child development, AI and computational technologies for education – highlighted that it is
Darryl will be presenting Not letting the technological tail wag the educational dog: the case for a framework of inquiry skills at JCS 2019. As Marshall McLuhan famously said, “We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us.” This
Elizabeth Hutchinson will be delivering a Regional Training Course for the School Library Association. Using Inquiry to Engage Teachers Across the Curriculum If the workforce is to be future proofed education systems in the UK must be designed to equip
Darryl will attending the midyear meeting at the Roma Tre University Department of Education Science as UK representative on the Standing Committee for School Libraries. The theme of the meeting is The Evolving Concept of a School Library and Its
David Deutsch said that in a world where knowledge is growing exponentially, the tools for acquiring and interpreting that knowledge must be at least as important as the actual knowledge itself. This growing challenge for schools is an unprecedented opportunity
The IFLA School Library Guidelines are clear that without a pedagogical program - a planned, comprehensive offering of teaching and learning activities - a qualified school library professional, which is the most critical condition for an effective school library program,
This online session will explore the important role of school library staff in providing informal professional development for teachers. By the end of the session, attendees will have had the opportunity to: Understand how professional development for teachers fits into
Elizabeth Hutchinson will be delivering FOSIL (Framework Of Skills for Inquiry Learning) An approach to learning through Inquiry on Tuesday 17 and Friday 21 August. This special event occurs in Kazakhstan to support innovative practices in teaching and learning. Through
As part of her SLA webinar, Emma Wallace, Senior Librarian at St Benedict's School in Ealing, London, will talk about the benefits of using a framework of inquiry to work with teachers across different disciplines, providing a structure to lessons
This session will be looking at how to actually get started in approaching teachers with the knowledge you now have about FOSIL. This small group session (maximum 10 people) will help you open conversation with teachers, starting with the desired
This session will be looking at how to actually get started in approaching teachers with the knowledge you now have about FOSIL. This small group session (maximum 10 people) will help you open conversation with teachers, starting with the desired
This session will be looking at how to actually get started in approaching teachers with the knowledge you now have about FOSIL. This small group session (maximum 10 people) will help you open conversation with teachers, starting with the desired
FOSIL Group member Darryl Toerien will be presenting The Pandemic as a Portal to an Online Mindset at the Lebanese Library Association's 2020 Webinar Series.
FOSIL Group member Elizabeth Hutchinson will be presenting at the UKEdChat 2021 Online Conference. -- The academic value of the school library in inquiry learning Inquiry learning empowers students to become independent learners and critical thinkers. Collaboration between the school
FOSIL Group member Elizabeth Hutchinson will be delivering the opening keynote address at the Australian School Library Association 2021 Virtual National Conference - Keys to Learning - held in partnership with the School Library Association of South Australia. -- Thinking
FOSIL Group members Darryl Toerien and Barbara Stripling will be running a workshop at Real-World Learning Live!, a four-day digital event presented by The Day. -- Thoughtful REACTionS to The Day: Framing Inquiry-based Learning The widely influential Brainstorms and blueprints
FOSIL Group members Darryl Toerien, Lee FitzGerald and Olga Nesi will be delivering a keynote address at the School Libraries Group Virtual National Conference 2021 - Shaping Their Futures. -- Reading and the information-to-knowledge learning process Balzac declared that the
FOSIL Group member Elizabeth Hutchinson will be running a 2-day accredited course at the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair on Sunday 23 and Monday 24 May from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm (UTC+4:00). -- Programme Details The course will provide
FOSIL Group member Lee FitzGerald will be presenting Inquiry Learning and the Teacher Librarian - the ideal and the reality on 25 May from 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm (UTC+10:00) as part of the School Library Association of New South
FOSIL Group member Barbara Stripling will be running a workshop titled Inquiry-based Teaching and Learning: A Re-imagination Journey with Dr Barbara Stripling on 5 June from 9:00 am - 11:00 am (UTC+10:00) as part of the School Library Association of
FOSIL Group members Darryl Toerien and Barbara Stripling will be delivering a keynote address at the School Library Association Weekend Course 2021 - Leading School Libraries: Library, School, Sector. -- Inquiry: an educational and moral imperative The IFLA School Library
FOSIL Group member Elizabeth Hutchinson will be sharing with colleagues at a free CILIP School Libraries Group Scotland CPD event. -- Librarians as teachers of sense-making skills: Framing the learning process through FOSIL FOSIL Group member Dr Barbara Striping, whose
Programme Thursday 21 April 2022 | 08:45 - 10:30 (UTC+00:00 London) | Welcome and Introductions Welcome by Rob O'Brien (see details below) Conceptual Design of Heroic Inquiry by Hugh Rose (see details below) Thursday 21 April 2022 | 11:00 - 12:00
IFLA School Libraries is offering a full-day workshop on July 23, 2022, in conjunction with IFLA's World Library and Information Congress in Dublin, Ireland. The registration for this event, which is being held at CCT College, Dublin, is a very
Darryl Toerien and Jenny Toerien will be running an extended workshop - Recovering the Educational Promise of Inquiry - at IASL 2023. Program Description Neil Postman (1969, 1979, 1996) claimed that of all the survival strategies that education has to
Darryl Toerien will be presenting his chapter - Digital Literacy: Necessary but Not Sufficient for Life-Wide and Life-Long Learning - at the IFLA Information Literacy Section's launch of their upcoming book: Libraries Empowering Society through Digital Literacy Education The Information
Barbara Stripling, Jenny Toerien and Darryl Toerien will be running a workshop - Leading an Inquiry-Based School: Discovering the Promise - at AASL 2023 (more details to follow). Program Description Lead your school to discover the promise of inquiry –
Barbara Stripling, Jenny Toerien and Darryl Toerien will be presenting Engaging and Empowering Learners for Life through Inquiry / Developing Inquiry-Based Schools & School Libraries at the San Jose State University School of Information | Leap into the Future of
Darryl Toerien and Nicole Campbell, Senior Subject Lead of PSHE at Lilian Baylis Technology School in South London, will be presenting Unlocking critical minds: A CPD webinar on inquiry-led learning for The Day. -- In today’s fast-paced, information-saturated world, fostering
Brief contextual details of the presenters may be found here. Free and online - register here or see below. The Symposium is an opportunity for colleagues who are developing engaged and empowered inquirers to share with and learn from each