On 16 May 2022, Jenny and I presented to Heads of Departments and Subject Leads on framing the curriculum through essential questions, because:
- Disciplinary study is focused by engagement with big questions, both contemporary and enduring
- These big questions also balance the knowledge required of the discipline with the skills required by the discipline
- Because these big questions essentially define academic disciplines, we may refer to them as essential questions
- This curriculum stance on essential questions and the process of answering them makes inquiry an essential pedagogical feature of a liberal education
The accompanying PPT is mostly self-explanatory, and ends with an example from Year 8 English of the first iteration of a template that reflects on the unit of work in terms of topical essential questions, overarching essential questions, and entry question(s).
- Topical essential questions are concerned with uncovering what is most important about the topic being studied in a unit of work, and so may recur in the same topic in later years
- Overarching essential questions are concerned with uncovering what is of broader disciplinary concern, and so may occur in other topics in the same year or recur in the same topic in later years
- Entry question(s) are simple, thought-provoking questions that open a unit of work – they spark discussion as a lead-in to the unit of work and its essential questions
Jenny produced an accompanying PDF of sample entry question(s), topical essential questions, and overarching essential questions for all subjects currently offered at Blanchelande drawn from internal and/ or external curriculum documents (see below for first page).