The reimagined 2025 version of the FOSIL Cycle, designed to show the journey of the Heroic Inquirer. This version has the long cycle stage descriptions. The cycle alone and the icon for each stage can be downloaded from the 2025 FOSIL Symposium Forum discussion here.
The reimagined 2025 version of the FOSIL Cycle, designed to show the journey of the Heroic Inquirer. This version has the short cycle stage descriptions. The cycle alone and the icon for each stage can be downloaded from the 2025 FOSIL Symposium Forum discussion here.
The final stage of this interdisciplinary Y6 inquiry - planning persuasive campaigns. Delivered through English and ICT. Forum discussion here. Editable version to follow (needs compression).
The spine of this Y6 interdisciplinary inquiry used in English lessons to support the work being done in Science. Forum discussion here. Editable version to follow (needs compression).
This poetry resource was used in English lessons to tie this interdisciplinary inquiry into a poetry unit in English. These reseources are discussed in this forum topic.
Art & DT part of an interdisciplinary inquiry on heat transfer spanning Science, English, Art & Design, Maths and ICT. Part of journey towards Bronze CREST award for Y6, but would also work for Y7. If not using for CREST award, remove CREST logo. Full discussion in this forum topic.
Science part of an interdisciplinary inquiry on heat transfer spanning Science, English, Art & Design, Maths and ICT. Part of journey towards Bronze CREST award for Y6, but would also work for Y7. If not using for CREST award, remove CREST logo. Full discussion in the Inquiry and Resource Design Forum topic Year 6 (Grade 5) Interdisciplinary Signature Work Inquiry @ Blanchelande College.
A PPT guide to the Y8 Maths inquiry "Is Maths a universal language?" intended to be used by the instructor to guide the students through the inquiry (originally six forty minute lessons). Print resources for students can be accessed in the linked resource Y8 Maths Universal Language inquiry (graphic organisers). See discussion in this forum topic.
Graphic organisers from the Year 8 Maths inquiry "Is Maths a universal language?". Intended to be used with Y8 Maths Universal language inquiry (inquiry guide) and designed to run over six forty minute lessons. See discussion in this forum topic.
A PPT guide to the Y7 Maths inquiry "Can Maths help me get better at Art?" intended to be used by the instructor to guide the students through the inquiry (originally six forty minute lessons). Print resources for students can be accessed in the linked resource Y7 Maths Fibonacci inquiry (graphic organisers). See discussion in this forum topic.
Graphic organisers from the Year 7 Maths inquiry "Can Maths help me get better at Art?" exploring the Fibonacci sequence. Intended to be used with Y7 Maths Fibonacci inquiry (inquiry guide) and designed to run over six forty minute lessons. See discussion in this forum topic.
An exploration of research (which is a key component of inquiry undertaken during the Investigate stage) based on Barbara Stripling's REACTS taxonomy. Explores age appropriate researcher skill levels and actions, stimulus words for inquiry design and suggested sample assignments by skill level. Discussion in this forum topic.
Advice on planning posters and PowerPoint presentations in groups, designed for a Year 6 interdisciplinary inquiry but applicable for a wide range of age groups. Full discussion in the Inquiry and Resource Design Forum topic Year 6 (Grade 5) Interdisciplinary Signature Work Inquiry @ Blanchelande College.
A simplified version of the FOSIL Inquiry Cycle for use with younger students. While the descriptions of the stages have been simplified, the wording accurately describes the learning process (see FOSIL Cycle for a detailed description of the stages involved in this learning process - note that each circle on that page is a hyperlink to further information).
Year 8 inquiry run over 4 lessons to support an English topic on Much Ado About Nothing. Full discussion in the Inquiry and Resource Design Forum topic Year 8 English Inquiry into Masquerade.
This is a template for creating new FOSIL resources in landscape format, with appropriate headers and footers. It also gives the RGB and Hex values for all the FOSIL colours. Please do share your new resources in the Forum - and with your permission we may also be able to upload some of them to this resources section.
This is a template for creating new FOSIL resources in portrait format, with appropriate headers and footers. It also gives the RGB and Hex values for all the FOSIL colours. Please do share your new resources in the Forum - and with your permission we may also be able to upload some of them to this resources section.
Support for A-level Italian students undertaking their Individual Research Project. Resources are in English, so may have wider application for other language coursework. Resource discussed in the Inquiry and Resource Design forum topic Year 13 Language and Literature coursework. 5 page resource - insert extra Investigative Journal pages as required.
Produced to support Year 8 Classical Civilisation classes gathering information from their text to decide whether Odyssues is an Ancient Greek hero or not. Download resource to see Construct and Express page. Discussed in the Inquiry and resource design forum topic Year 8 - Classical civilisation. 2 page resource.
Designed to bridge the gap between investigation and essay planning, this resource is intended to be used with either of the two Essay Planner resources to help students to understand the main points they need to make in their essays before putting them into a logical order. Originally designed for IB DP German Language and Literature HL essay, but suited to any IB DP language and may have even broader application.
A tool for helping students to organise their main points in an essay, once they have planned those points. Designed to be used with a resource such as Constructing Understanding (HL essay). Originally designed for the IB DP German HL essay, but with wide application beyond that. In this online version of this resource the 'sticky notes' can be moved around on screen. There is also a 'print' version, designed to be used with a common size of sticky note.
A tool for helping students to organise their main points in an essay, once they have planned those points. Designed to be used with a resource such as Constructing Understanding (HL essay). Originally designed for the IB DP German HL essay, but with wide application beyond that. Boxes are sized to fit a common size of sticky note. There is also an online version of this resource, where 'sticky notes' can be moved around on screen.
Produced for a Year 7 MYP Community Project day, where pupils were encouraged to use the 'reset' provided by the coronavirus pandemic, alongside the UN Sustainable Development Goals, to think of ways they could act locally to make a difference in their communities. Discussed in the Inquiry and Resource Design Forum Topic, "Year 7 IB MYP Community Day/ Project".
Designed to be used as a precursor to the Investigative Journal, this allows students to collect ideas about all the sources they have found in one place before delving more deeply into some using the Investigative Journal. Initially used in the Upper School, this resource has value across a range of subjects and year groups.
The first half of a two part inquiry journal used for our Year 9 individual project (where they can investigate anything they like as long as it relates to a debatable question). This resource helps them to Connect with their interests, Wonder about what they might investigate and record their Investigations.
Designed to support Year 7 pupils in their Computer Science Hardware Inquiry, this workbook is used in conjunction with a resource pack (not uploaded for copyright reasons) over a 5-6 week period to engage students with the underlying question "what is a computer?". Further discussion can be found in the Inquiry and Resource Design forum topic "Year 7 Computer Science Inquiry – Is my brain a computer?".
Used in conjunction with "Economics is the dismal science - key ideas" with Year 12 A-level Economics students preparing for a spiderweb discussion. See Forum "Year 12 Economics Inquiry - The dismal science?" for details. In the original the articles were reproduced in full under educational copyright, but this version cannot be shared online. Links to the articles have been provided where appropriate.
Used in conjunction with "Economics is the dismal science - resource booklet". Year 12 A-level Economics students used this to summarize key ideas during an eight lesson teaching sequence in preparation for a spiderweb discussion. See Forum "Year 12 Economics Inquiry - The dismal science?" for details.
A resource to support and engage students in making notes independently on new topics. Print on A3 double-sided, flip-on-short-edge. The linked resource "Politics Inquiry PEEL" may be used as a follow-up exercise where different students complete different parts of the PEEL for a chosen essay question.
An "Essay Wrap" originally designed to support students in planning Edexcel Political Ideas essays. Print on A3 double-sided, flip-on-short-edge. Students complete the sheet as part of the essay writing process and hand it in with the essay. See the "Essay Planners (A-Level Politics)" topic in the "Inquiry and Resource Design" forum for more details.
An "Essay Wrap" originally designed to support students in planning Edexcel UK and Global Politics essays. Print on A3 double-sided, flip-on-short-edge. Students complete the sheet as part of the essay writing process and hand it in with the essay. See the "Essay Planners (A-Level Politics)" topic in the "Inquiry and Resource Design" forum for more details.
Designed to be issued as a series of separate worksheets not a full journal (some printed on A3 as indicated), this bundle supports the A-Level Politics Pressure Groups inquiry. For more detail see the "Pressure groups inquiry (A-Level Politics)" topic in the "Inquiry and Resource Design" forum. Those sheets produced in Word not Publisher will also be posted separately in an editable format.
A Year 7 History inquiry into why the Black Death could not be cured in the middle ages, considering social, religious and political factors as well as medical. For a full discussion see the topic "Year 7 History Inquiry – Medieval Medicine and The Black Death" in the "Inquiry and Resource Design" forum.
This presentation for a Year 9 Climate Change inquiry goes through the CRAAP Testing process, encouraging students to look at the 'big picture' context of a website first. Works well as an interactive exercise, giving students a printout of the original Breitbart article to annotate and mini-whiteboards to give CRAAP Test scores. "CRAAP Test Sample" can be used as a follow-up handout. See "Year 9 Chemistry" forum topic.
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